When we talk about cocktails, the espresso martini is a topic that cannot be avoided. After all, it is a unique combination of coffee and wine and it sounds tempting. So how to make an espresso martini? This step-by-step guide can help you. We will walk you through the preparation of required materials and equipment, and learn key mixing steps. I believe that with these skills, you can easily mix delicious espresso martinis at home or at a gathering with friends. Let’s get started!


Prepare Ingredients and Equipment

Before you learn how to make a coffee martini, you need to prepare some essential ingredients and equipment. Just like an artist needs the right paint and brush, carefully selected raw materials and the right tools will help you create a perfect coffee cocktail masterpiece.

Required Ingredients

  • Freshly brewed espresso.
  • Premium Vodka.
  • Coffee Liqueur.
  • Simple Syrup.
  • Optional Garnishes.

Equipment Needed

  • Shaker.
  • Strainer.
  • Martini glass.
  • Measuring tools.

How to Make the Best Espresso Martini? Step-by-Step Guide

Have you prepared all the ingredients and utensils? Then let's start making your perfect espresso martini! Follow the steps below and you will master how to make an espresso martini with a unique taste and first-class taste.


Step 1. Select top-quality coffee beans and grind and brew espresso

The soul of a delicious coffee martini is a cup of freshly brewed espresso with a fragrant aroma. Therefore, the quality of coffee beans cannot be sloppy at all. Choose your favorite flavor and roasting degree, grind and brew it. For this critical brewing step, the SCHWUA Espresso Machine offers an excellent solution. It features a 20 BAR pressure extraction system that pulls the maximum flavor from each coffee ground, and its precise temperature control ensures every shot of espresso is brewed under optimal conditions. After brewing, let it rest for a while, so that the ice cubes will not melt too quickly and affect the taste.

Step 2. Throw ice cubes into the cocktail shaker

Take out your cocktail shaker and throw ice cubes into it first, half full. These small ice cubes are not just decorations, they can lower the cocktail to the best drinking temperature, and can also help you make the attractive foam unique to espresso martini when shaking.

Step 3. Add ingredients in sequence

Take out the measuring cup and measure in the following order and pour into the cocktail shaker in sequence:

  • 2 ounces of vodka, this is the power of alcohol.
  • 1 ounce of coffee liqueur, such as Kahlúa, provides sweetness and coffee flavor.
  • 1/2 ounce of simple syrup, balances the sweetness.
  • 1 ounce of slightly cold freshly brewed espresso, this is the soul.

Step 4. Shake hard

With the lid tightly closed and a firm grip, start shaking vigorously for 15-20 seconds. This shake is crucial to mix all the ingredients thoroughly, make the cocktail cold, and produce a dreamy creamy foam. You can tell you are shaking hard just by the sound of the ice cubes hitting the cocktail shaker!

Step 5. Strain into a pre-chilled martini glass

Take out your pre-chilled martini glass and place a fine strainer on the mouth of the glass. Tilt the cocktail shaker to let the shaken cocktail slowly flow into the glass. The strainer will block the excess ice and coffee grounds, making the finished product taste smoother.

Step 6. Decorate to make it even more beautiful

The last step is to add the finishing touch to your masterpiece. Sprinkle a few coffee beans or chocolate chips, and add a few strokes to the fluffy foam, which will definitely make your coffee martini more beautiful and tempting!

Tips for a Perfect Espresso Martini

Making a perfect espresso martini is more than just following a recipe. It requires attention to detail and some exclusive tips. Here, we reveal a few key tips to improve the quality of your coffee martini to help you take this taste bud feast to the next level.

  • Use fresh ingredients. This is the first priority for making a delicious cocktail! Only freshly brewed Italian espresso and high-quality vodka can maximize the attractive flavor and charming aroma of the Coffee Martini.
  • Get the sweetness right. Everyone has a different tolerance for sweetness, so you can adjust the amount of syrup to suit your taste. If you like a slightly sweeter taste, you may want to add a little more syrup, but be careful not to add too much, so as not to cover the coffee flavor.
  • Shaking cocktails requires skills. Although it may seem simple, there are actually a lot of skills to shaking. You need to shake the cocktail shaker vigorously and for long enough to allow the ingredients to fully blend and finally form a beautiful creamy foam.
  • A chilled martini glass is essential. This small detail can bring unexpected results. You can put the glass in the refrigerator for a while beforehand, which will keep your coffee martini at the perfect temperature in the glass for longer.
  • Get creative with decorations. The classic coffee bean decoration is a timeless combination, but you can break the routine and try some new possibilities. Sprinkle some chocolate chips or put a small piece of orange peel to add some unique flavor and charming color to your creation.


So, how do you make an espresso martini? I believe you have the answer after reading this article. And making an espresso martini that will amaze everyone is no longer a problem for you. Then quickly invite three or five friends to enjoy the fun of mixing this classic cocktail by hand. Let the rich and mellow taste linger between your lips and teeth, and let the laughter echo in the clash of glasses. This charm of espresso martini, it's time to share it with your closest people.